Access your restaurant's data with simpleERB

How much easier would managing your restaurant be if you had access to all your restaurant data? If you could see where exactly your covers come from? How many of your customers are new or returning? If you had all your customer’s likes, dislikes and feedback all in the one place?
simpleERB offers all this data and more. When a customer books using simpleERB, all their information is collated and added to your profile so you have all your restaurant’s data in the one place. Think of it as a sort of Google Analytics for your own restaurant.
With the ability to compare your covers over specific time periods, see the source of your bookings, see when your bookings are made, and discover customer feedback, you can identify any shortfalls on your restaurant bookings and the best way to fix them.
Here’s your restaurant data simpleERB provides and how it can boost your business.
Compare covers booked
simpleERB allows you to compare your covers to last week/month/year. This gives you more accurate benchmarks to work with, enables you to predict your busy periods and adjust your staffing accordingly, and gives you a more accurate reflection as to how your restaurant is performing,
Source of your bookings
With simpleERB, you can see where your covers come from, i.e. whether they book online, on the phone, or walk in. This is very useful information for your marketing – for example, if most of your customers book online you know it is worth spending time on digital marketing such as Google Adwords.
Average covers per day
You can see your average covers per day on simpleERB. This allows you prepare for busy days and identify the quieter days which may need boosts, i.e. menu offers.
New or returning customers
simpleERB shows you which of your customers are new and which are returning. This is a useful way to see if your priority is to give customers an incentive to come back, or if you need to boost your presence to attract more new customers.
Top customers
With simpleERB you can see the customers who have booked the most. Useful if you would like to give them special treatment or prepare the food or drink in the particular way they like it to show they are appreciated for their loyalty.
Lead time on bookings
Do your bookings all get made on the same day as the customers dine or in advance? If it is in advance, when do customers book? simpleERB can provide you with this information.
No shows
Just how many of your bookings cancel or don’t show up? You can see this information on simpleERB allowing you adjust your expectations accordingly.
Customer reviews
A hugely useful simpleERB tools is the customer feedback form. Not only does this give you the customer’s direct opinion, allowing you see what it is about your restaurant customers like and dislike straight from the horses mouth, it enables you to manage negative feedback before it hits Trip Advisor. There is also a feature that allows customers to share their positive review on the review sites and social media.
Contact details
simpleERB stores your customers’ email addresses so you can target them in your marketing campaigns. As these are people who have dined at your restaurant and wish to receive your emails, it is very valuable info.
Sign up to simpleERB for free for all the above features and more.