67% of customers want reviews before they dine

Reviews can be extremely valuable to a restaurant owner. Not just the good ones either. A bad review could arguably be more useful. It helps you identify any weak points and lets you fix them. We read this article about monitoring online reviews and how to harness their influence recently and were surprised that now over 67% of restaurant goers want to read reviews online before they dine at a restaurant. The thing is though, you don’t want your customers to read just about negatives, you want the good reviews to be visible. That’s why simpleERB has a feedback feature.
get reviews direct, filter the good and bad
The get customer feedback feature within simpleERB sends the customer a link when they make a booking which they can visit and leave a review which then gets sent straight to you, the restaurant owner. You can set up links to your social pages (Facebook, Trip Advisor etc…) and with one click at the end of the customer review, you can send them a link to your Trip Advisor profile and ask them if they would like to share their review there. If you’d rather they didn’t share their feedback in public, then you can contact the customer directly. simpleERB also remembers your customers, so you’ll easily find their contact information.
To start managing your customer feedback effectively, login to your simpleERB account now or create a free account. You’ll find this feature in the advanced general settings.