New feature product update - May 2017

We just wanted to give you a quick heads up on the updates we’ve made to simpleERB over the past few days.
We’ve already brought in offers and we’re working towards a few more things to complement this feature.
This week we’ve made a change to the mobile site. Although you can view the full site on mobile, we had a separate site at which we called ‘waiter view’. This previously only listed bookings and could only be read, not amended. Now we’ve added a ‘walkin’ button so you can add bookings quickly to the diary from any mobile device. Ideal for ‘queue busting’!
Inside the main site, we’ve made some improvements to the bookings detail page. You can now find customers and auto fill their details based on phone number and email, not just name. It was getting too hard sifting through all the ‘Smiths’!
In reports you can now export customers based on which offer they have booked and in the reviews report, you can download your reviews as a .csv file. There’s also a ‘disappearing customers’ report that allows you to set a reminder to check the report to see which of your regulars may have stopped visiting your restaurant.
Pairing disappearing customers up with offers could allow you to entice them back with a special deal. It also keeps you in contact with your clientele.
We also launched our help centre which over time will give you help, hints and tips on how to get the most out of your simpleERB account.
We’ve added a few things under the hood to improve your experience and squashed some bugs that popped up.
More big things are coming and it’s down to our users that we are developing the things we are. We’ve spoken to a lot of you over the last few months and it’s really given us an understanding into the challenges which restaurants face as well as seeing how differently every restaurant is run!
Thanks again for your support and remember, if you’ve got any queries, feedback or suggestions, get in touch!