How to clean a hotel (or restaurant) in a CoVid19 world

1 min read

If you want to see how to clean a restaurant or hotel in a CoVid19 world, have a look at what Singapore has done.

It has launched a scheme to audit hotels and give them a clean bill of health if they meet 7 criteria.

An “SG Clean” stamp placed prominently at an establishment will give locals and visitors “peace of mind”, said Keith Tan, CEO, Singapore Tourism Board. He says they “aim to audit and certify 570 hotels and other establishments in the next 2 months and 37,000 eventually.”

“Assessment (re hotel or restaurant cleaning) is done by independent organizations such as KPMG and, along with certification, is free. For hotels, the criteria include appointing an SG Clean manager to oversee the property’s practices, temperature and health screening of employees, arrangements for engaging external suppliers and contractors, cleanliness and hygiene practices, and compliance with health and travel advisories and government orders on Covid-19.”

The first hotel to be certified was Grand Hyatt Singapore, which suffered when several coronavirus cases were linked to a private company meeting held at the hotel on January 20-22.

While a stamp such as SG Clean is a visible proof of hygiene standards,  hotel consultant, Larry Mogelonsky believes future housekeeping should no longer be invisible.

“One of the best proofs is ensuring that cleaning is done in plain view of guests”, he says.

The VERY interesting checklist is here:

For more guidance on running a restaurant in a CoVid world, visit