simpleERB - Update Release 16.2
The recent simpleERB release was deployed for a couple of necessary system updates and a few setting changes outlined below.
SMS credit purchase setting
Previously we had to remove the SMS credit purchase setting to deter spam/bot users from creating fake accounts. We have now re-enabled the feature, however, SMS credits will now need to be purchased by entering card details.
Facebook integration - Online message
We've made an update in the Facebook integration setting. You can now add a custom online message which is displayed in the booking widget on the customer contact booking page. The message is ideal if you have card capture or payments enabled for your bookings to make customers aware this is required and to be supplied via the secure email link they will receive after booking.
In the message, highlight anything a customer needs to be aware of ahead of making a booking. Please see the screenshot below displaying where the message is shown to the customer.

Promotions setting - Legacy feature
We have made the decision for the Promotions setting to become a legacy feature due to low usage figures. This means no new promotions can be added to the setting. If you have any existing promotions, these will remain active for you until the end of the year, when the feature will then be removed.
Since improving the selectable Booking Options settings, the promotions feature, which was purely for in-house use, is no longer relevant or useful.
Booking Options are beneficial to promote and monitor special promotions, offers or menus. The set-up offers booking flexibility and the ability to add card capture or payments set for a specific option. Find out more here.
Should we be able to assist you with any queries, please don't hesitate to contact us +44 141 846 1528.